How do you know if your kids have ADHD?

It’s important to remember that only a medical professional can diagnose ADHD. If you’re concerned about your child’s behavior, it’s crucial to consult with a pediatrician or child psychologist for proper evaluation and guidance.

Here are some common symptoms of ADHD in children:

Key Symptoms:

  • Inattention:
    • Difficulty focusing on tasks, even for short periods  
    • Easily distracted by external stimuli or their own thoughts  
    • Trouble following instructions and completing tasks  
    • Seems forgetful or loses things frequently  
    • Difficulty organizing tasks and activities  
  • Hyperactivity:
    • Fidgets, squirms, or has difficulty staying seated  
    • Runs or climbs excessively in inappropriate situations  
    • Talks excessively and has trouble playing quietly  
    • Always “on the go” as if driven by a motor  
    • Interrupts others or blurts out answers  
  • Impulsivity:
    • Acts without thinking, often interrupting others  
    • Difficulty waiting their turn  
    • Engages in risky behavior without considering consequences  

Important Considerations:

  • Age-appropriateness: It’s essential to consider whether the behaviors are developmentally appropriate. Young children are naturally more active and impulsive.
  • Persistence and Pervasiveness: ADHD symptoms typically persist for at least six months and are present in multiple settings (home, school, social situations).
  • Impairment: The symptoms must cause significant impairment in academic, social, or occupational functioning.  

If you notice these signs in your child, it’s important to:

  1. Document specific behaviors: Keep a record of specific examples of your child’s behavior, including when and where they occur.
  2. Talk to your child’s teacher: Teachers often observe behaviors that may not be as apparent at home.
  3. Schedule an evaluation: Consult with a pediatrician or child psychologist for a comprehensive evaluation, which may include interviews, questionnaires, and observations.

Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial for children with ADHD, as they can help manage symptoms and improve their overall quality of life.